
Welcome to the T-Book (On-line). This page marks the evolution and adaptability of both Tech and its traditions to accommodate changing times and technologies. To find out more about the original T-Book as well as other Tech traditions visit our chapter on traditions.

Our hope is that this T-Book will be as useful to future Tech Freshmen as the original one was. In keeping with tradition this site has been organized just as a book would be, with chapters, appendixes, and a Glossary.

Chapter 1 Dorm Life Where you (probably) will live.
Chapter 2 Traditions What makes Tech Tech.
Chapter 3 Social Life What is it and how do I get one?
Chapter 4 Calendar Events to keep track of.
Chapter 5 Computers The thing on your desk.
Chapter 6 Who and How Who are the important and influential people on campus, and how can they help you.
Chapter 7 Academics How to get out of Tech with a degree.
Chapter 8 Guide for International Students How is it and is it worth it.
Chapter 9 Biking The best way to get to class.

Appendix A FASET Before you start classes.
Appendix B Registration How to get classes.
Appendix C The Bursar How to pay for your classes.
Appendix D Housing Where to sleep after classes.
Glossary Yep that's it just a Glossary. Only we tell you what the words really mean.
Credits Who we are and what we think we're doing.

The T-Book is published and maintained by Freshman Initiative, which is a group of motivated and knowledgeable freshmen who want to help their peers and by so doing improve the Tech community as a whole. If you are interested in joining, please contact us at

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